Projects funded by the World Society Foundation
(since the beginning of its funding activity in 1984; as of January 2003)
Churilov, Nikolaj (Kiew). 1993
Die Katastrophe von Tschernobyl, Weltgesellschaft und die Wirkung auf die Ukraine.
Coleman, David Anwyll (Oxford). 1996
Towards a World Population System: is the indutrial world acquiring a common demographic pattern?
Coppedge, Michael John (Notre Dame, Indiana, USA). 1999
Patterns of Diffusion in the Third Wave of Democracy.
Standort: Bibliothek des Soziologischen Institutes: Signatur WSF 9
→ Abstract
Crystal, Jill (Ann Arbor/MI). 1991
Liberalization and its Limits: State Formation and State Violence in the Middle East.
→ Abstract
Cusack, Thomas, R. (Berlin). 1987
Exploring Alternative Realpolitik Theses: Project Outline.
→ Abstract
Cutler, Robert Marc (Montreal). 1997
The Proliferation of International Parliamentary Institutions: A Neglected Phenomenon of World Society and Politics.
→ Abstract
Devi Lakshmy K.R. (Trichur, Kerala, India). 1995
Status of Immigrant Women Workers from India to the Middle East.
→ Abstract
Devi Lakshmy K.R. /Pillai, P.P. (Aranattukara, Thrissur, Kerala, India). 1999
Globalization and International Migration of Workers. A Study with Special Reference to the Immigrant Women from India to the United States of America.
Standort: Bibliothek des Soziologischen Institutes: Signatur WSF 52
→ Abstract
Eichengreen, Barry (Berkeley, CA). 2001
Management of International Financial Policy Reforms to “Bail In” the Private Sector.
→ Abstract
Eisenstadt, Shmuel N. (Jerusalem). 1988
Dynamics of Civilizations and Institutional Variability in Modern Societies.
→ Abstract
Eisenstadt, Shmuel N. (Jerusalem). 1995
Historical Experience of Civilizations and Patterns of Modernity.
Fielder, Nicola (Zürich) (unter der Leitung von V. Bornschier). 1993
Die Beschleunigung der EG-Integration als Teil des sozialen Wandels im Zentrum der Weltgesellschaft. (Initialförderung)
Flora, Peter (Mannheim) und Beat Fux (Zürich). 1994
Familienwandel und Familienpolitik. Die Schweiz im internationalen Vergleich.
→ Abstract
Foran, John (Santa Barbara, CA). 1993
Third World Social Revolutions: A Comparative Study.
→ Abstract
Foran, John (Santa Barbara, CA). 1994
Who Makes Revolutions and Why? Class, Gender and Ethnicity in the Mexican, Cuban, and Nicaraguan Revolutions.
Standort: Bibliothek des Soziologischen Institutes: Signatur WSF 12
Frank, André Gunder (Toronto). 1997
Real World History vs. Eurocentric Social Theory.